Who am I? Kimnanas
Here is an inside to my thoughts. My name is Kimberly Dianna Grana, Kimmey for short and I attend All saints catholic girls college. I kinda love this butcher guy so yeah. I hope you enjoy reading my thoughts and my feelings. That is all.

affiliates:I don't have friends, besides me.
My tumblr, that is currently not in use; hence this.

September 2011 October 2011 November 2011

creditspplz hoo made eht.
Layout ; Background ; Inspiration ; Colour codes ; Title .

Friday, September 30, 2011
Yeh, don't know what the hell is going on.
Whatevs, lol.
@ 12:15 AM; back to the top

Run baby run.Thursday, September 29, 2011
I haven't posted properly in about a whole week.

Lol well really these are the only things that have been happening:
  • Dancing
  • Practice for Looze control
  • Sleeping when I can
  • Morokot coming over
  • Sex
  • More dancing
  • Printing out resumes
  • Going to Liverpool
  • Watching movies and One Piece
  • Talking on the phone with Morokot until late
Yeah, that's pretty much about it, so really, I have nothing to post.

I don't understand why so many things are pissing me off today, and why so many things are getting to me right now, but yeah.. I hope it will all pass.

I bought new vans today.. Kids size lol.
@ 10:35 PM; back to the top

LOLSunday, September 25, 2011
@ 10:00 PM; back to the top


@ 9:42 PM; back to the top

You try but you never succeed.Thursday, September 22, 2011
Today was an ok day.

I woke up in the morning, felt like my eyes were going to die because Morokot and I were on the phone until 12:30. I can't believe how tired I was at only 12 am.. It was so stupid, but yeah.. I felt bad for giving Morokot such effortless responses. It was so cute that he actually called.. Especially since I'm never on the phone anymore, and idk, it just made me feel so much better :) I don't mind talking on the phone, I'd rather talk on the phone rather than msn. After waking up, I got ready and then headed off to school. I tried getting there early enough for the early train but I failed.
Got to school and people were giving me their $2 for the stuff for multicultural day.

Homeroom was great, since we haven't been in homeroom normally for ages. We had religion and english first. I hated Religion but it may be the last time that we have Ms. Skibola.. oh well, I never liked her anyways. Then during english, we played scatergories, it was so much fun! I won the first round, and then I was about to win one of the rounds, but I had missed a verb, so I addedin fistpump, but I still didn't win :(

After recess, we had maths and science. During maths, we played games, and I just listened to my ipod and played on it. Also took some photos of my vans.. idk why LOL. Then in science, I have no idea why I thought we would do no work, but we did so much work LOL.. We have to cover a whole 5 outcomes by ourselves during the holiday, and then on the first day bad, we will go over it. We're rushing because Mrs. Mulqueeney wants everything done quickly so we can have more revision time for our SC which I guess is great.

We then had sport, and only a few people were there since many people were trying out for Volleyball. Since so many people weren't there with us, Mrs Michaels decided to shout us Boost! It was so great, and everyone was so happy.
Then we went back to school and everyone was jelly hehehe.

After school, Morokot was there and mah bby graduated year 12 finally. I'm so proud of him, especially since he's worked so hard. We ate, then I walked him to work, and then went home. I went to woolies and bought some stuff for the curry puffs for tomorrow.

Got home, made the curry puffs. Ate like 3-4 and yeah..
Now, I'm just on my ipod, being bored. Yay.

I hope tomorrow is a good last day, especially since we're not going to the beach tomorrow anymore and everyone is freaking pissing me off. Yayzor.
@ 9:39 PM; back to the top

I feel so crap right now.. I just wish I wasn't such a burden to my mum.. Her life would be so much easier with out me.. So many lives would be.

I seriously imagine sometimes, how much happier people would be with out me..
@ 7:00 PM; back to the top

Grow up.
HAHA, you're such a child. I mean, you maybe 14, but seriously, I wasn't this ridiculously stupid when I was your age.

I think you fail to realise that during your existence, EVERYONE WILL JUDGE YOU. No matter what you do, what you say, what you wear, you will be judged. You think you wont be because you say "Don't judge me" or "I don't care what you say"? Lol mate, you wont be spared, trust me. You're exactly like all the other naive, stupid 14 year olds everywhere, you're no different, no matter how hard you try to be, you're a child.

I used to think you were mature, but you keep making mistake after mistake to make me think otherwise and lose more and more respect for you. Don't think that just because I don't use tumblr, that I wont see shit that you post that's related to me. Big mistake buddy. You've just lost all my respect.
@ 6:40 PM; back to the top

Does this feeling ever go away.Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Finally in the mood to blog. I don't know why I let jealousy over come me, when it's such a stupid thing. I wonder if getting jealous ever goes away.. Because I hate it so much.

Last night, Morokot called me at 12 am and we talked for an hour. This was like the first time we've talked on the phone for more than 10minutes. After talking, I went to sleep at like 1 am. since I'm so used to sleeping at like 11 or 11:30 now. I fell asleep with a smile on my face.

Iwoke up at 7:45 and I didn't want to get up. I caught the train, and I got to school earlier than I usually do when I take the train. I had my pass exam in the morning, and I know I didn't get an A because I dropped the Frisbee a few times, which we're not allowed to do. But I did a great long shot at the start of the game. It was so tiring, and I got kicked in the shin and it still hurts.

After pass we had normal classes but it was so bludge, and I didn't really care for classes. During english we went to the library and we were reading one piece. I found it hard to read right to left for the first 2 pages, but then after a while, I got used to it and I read about 150 pages in one period. LOL then someone gave me their normal book and I read it right to left hahaha.

After school, Morokot and I met up to celebrate our 4 months. He came over and it was great being able to hang out with him after all my exams. He also picked me some flowers.
A flower and blade of grass per day. Cutieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
He was so cute today. I tried not let anything ruin the day, because the past few days we had been having troubles. We then went to eat with Munil and Simalis (his sister and her boyfriend). Morokot, Munil and I ate pho, while Simalis ate crispy skin chicken with egg noodle. I haven't eaten that in so long, I might order that next time and see what it's like at Bau Truong. While we were walking, I saw that Munil was walking really weird so I asked Morokot if he had anything up his ass and he laughed really hard. He told Simalis and she laughed pretty hard too LOL.. I know I'm funny. They drove me home and I didn't get a chance to say I love you to Morokot which sucks.

Got home, chilled for a while, no idea why but I felt so pissed off and I felt like killing someone. I feel sleepy now, so I'm going to sleep.

Happy 4 months, Morokot Ros. I love you so much.
@ 10:29 PM; back to the top

@ 9:56 PM; back to the top

Love somebody not because they give you what you need, instead love them because they give you feelings you never thought you needed.

@ 8:32 PM; back to the top

One hundred and twenty two.Tuesday, September 20, 2011

So in approx. 46 minutes, it will be my 4 months with Morokot, so I have decided to write a letter that he may or may not see.

Dear black man,
I don't know how to start this. I cannot wait to see your black, chubby face tomorrow and give you a massive kiss on your cute chubby cheeks and your nigger lips.

I don't know what it is about me that makes you stay with me.. I'm so sorry for the past few days and being a total bitch to you when you did basically nothing wrong. I'm sorry for being the problem to all the arguing, and for being such a pain in the ass. I'm sorry for making our weekends boring and for ruining perfectly good days.. I just care so much about you. I care about you more than I care about myself. If I didn't care, I wouldn't start up all that crap.. And I wanna make sure that you care too. Thank you for being so patient with me, and putting up with my shit. Thank you for sticking with me through it all and never leaving my side. Thank you for apologising when you don't have to, and for fighting for me to stay. Thank you.

I didn't expect to be with you in the beginning and when we were together, I didn't expect for this long or even longer. The other day you reminded me of the day of when you asked me out, and now I can't stop thinking about it. Corny as hell but you made me the happiest girl ever. I know that if I wasn't with you right now, I wouldn't have the smile on my face that I have every single day. Granted, you might make me cry every now and then, but it's only because I care so much.

I don't know what I would do with out you. I just wanna stuff all this crap, school, dancing, everything, and I just wanna be with you. You're the great ending to my horrible week. I look forward to every Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, because I know that I'll see your face. I know that you'll try your very best to see me. I don't care what we're doing, even if we're sitting at hungry jacks while you ruin my sundae on a friday, watching a movie and end up doing naughty things LOL, chilling in my living room playing with kitteh, I don't care what we do, as long as it's done with you. I love waking up with you on Saturday or Sundays, I love seeing you in the crowd supporting me when I'm dancing, I love how no matter how weird I am around you, you just act the same so I feel normal, I love feeling your hand against mine, I love the feeling of your arms around my waist and I love hearing the words 'I love you' come out of your mouth.

I love it when people say they're jealous of us, I have no idea why. So many people envy us, and wanna be where we're at now.

I don't care how cliche this is, but I know this is different. I do. Every other relationship I had, I would lose feelings in the first few weeks, but here, look where we are. Basically 16 weeks in and I feel exactly the same as I did when you asked me to be your girlfriend. Again, might sound cliche, but this just feels like the real deal, and I'm happy to feel like that.

I love you, Morokot David Ros, so much, and please don't ever forget, but just incase you do, I'll be here to remind you every single day :)

@ 11:13 PM; back to the top

I wonder if he'll remember.. or what he'll do since I'm always sleeping early now..
I wouldn't care if he called me and woke me up.

@ 10:31 PM; back to the top

He's far far away, and I'd do anything just to see his face.
Today was pretty much my last day of exams. I only need to do pass tomorrow, which is a practical exam.. and we have to play frisbee, how exciting.

I did science and computer skills today, and I'm confident with both. In my computer skills test I got 80/100 and I know that's just a band 6 so I am happy. I hope I did well in science, but I studied a lot and I pretty much knew what I was talking about in every question asked. Lol at the people who didn't study because they left their books in their lockers and didn't realise that there was a school certificate booklet on the myclasses website for us to access. I laughed very hard, but it was mean and I gave someone the link to it, and helped them out a bit.

After I had finished the computing exam, I drew this on the back of my paper.

We had a period of history, in which Chantelle raided my laptop and found the folder I have that contains stuff about Morokot and I, eg screenshots cute stuff he says on msn, pictures of us together, pictures of him that I've taken, pictures relating to him, msn conversations etc. And when she read them, she said that we should 'get married already' and then drew me this picture LOL.

I stuck it onto my laptop. I'm deciding whether I should take it off, since our laptops get taken away for a week tomorrow, or if I should just leave it there and hope they don't take it off. Oh well.. I don't know. I need to put some movies from my harddrive onto my usb to put onto my other laptop because my harddrive can only support mac computers, which sucks.
I hope that I get a mac before the christmas holidays start.. I am going to get a job and all my money will go towards it :) Yay. Hopefully I can get a job by these holidays.

After school, Jesslyn and I went to the gym. I stupidly forgot my shoes, so I gymed in my socks HAHAHAHA! It was a good session, I burned 350 calories approx. and then we ate some sushi. I was meant to go dancing with Jess but we decided that we didn't want to, and that she should still go to the gym tomorrow. Hopefully I can get a nice body for summer.

Yeah, I kinda have nothing else to blog about. I'm too lazy to blog about my day these days, I get tired so easily. Like now, it's only 9:40 and I'm so sleepy, but I want to stay online and talk to Morokot :(

I have so many things coming up this month..
  • 4 months with Morokot (tomorrow)
  • Practical pass exa (tomorrow)
  • Last day of school/multicultural day (friday)
  • Beach (friday)
  • 360 (Saturday)
  • Dancing (26th)
  • Dancing (27th)
  • Beach (28th)
  • More dancing
and then, we have Looze control! So nerve racking.. I hope we're ready by then. We're getting closer and closer to being ready for it.. We just need to clean up and keep going over it :) I'm excited! Especially since this may be our last Looze.. It's so sad that we may be ending, but I hope Jet doesn't make that decision just yet.

Anyways, I shall be off now.
@ 9:24 PM; back to the top

Monday, September 19, 2011
I have yet to blog about my day.

I woke up this morning, and my mum was yelling at me once again for what? I have no idea. I'm still angry about losing 5 of Jet's 360 tickets. Either I find them now or pay him $100 which I don't even have..

I got driven to school and studied for geo and history in the morning. I didn't feel like talking to anyone, so I didn't. During the test, I bullshitted majority of my answers for geo because I forgot everything. I think I did mediocre in history. Maybe I should reconsider taking Ancient history next year. Unlike all my other exams, I started with the short answer and long response rather than multiple choice. I'd rather get the long shit out of the way first. I finished with 50 minutes to spare, so I fell asleep and thought about some stuff.

During recess, we talked and tanned. Then we had a period of pass which was meant to be practical for practice for our pass exam on Wednesday, but our teacher was away and instead we had Mrs. Basley. We studied and shiz. That's about it. Michelle tried to teach me mathematical induction and logarithms.. hell naw.

During lunch, we ate, talked and tanned again. Emily, Jenny and others had to do their Art exam. I did my history speech. Everyone that was there loved it.

After school I went to the Library with Isabel to study for science. Hung out with Jordon Zhu. Got a lot of study done, and then went home to more study.

I shall sleep now. I hope I do well in tomorrows Science trial exam or I will cry lol.
@ 11:21 PM; back to the top

Study notes kill mah life.
@ 7:51 PM; back to the top

Just take my hand, fall in love with me again.Sunday, September 18, 2011

Today, I went to the beach.. With my periods.. and it was disgusting. I got to wear my new bikini and it was so comfortable. I got to tan, but I am still a whitie.. I got some new shorts and a new headband, and I also got a disgusting tampon up my vagina. A lot of people dogged it today. Charmaine and Rachel had to go home early, so I stayed and shopped at the Junction and got some dindin. Nearly left my board at General pants.

Here are some photo's of my day.

This is I, Kimmey the great, on the train. While taking this, 2 old ladies were staring at me and shaking their heads.. I didn't even do anything.

First, third and fourth photo: Rachel and I.
Second and fifth photo: Charmaine and I.

Dis is me being kewl lol.

I bought some shorts from Dotti today, because I wanted some Maroon ones since I already have Khaki ones (my stussy ones) but they were so plain, so.. I decided to play around :) I also cut my finger very deep :( It hurts. But I really like them now! I only decided to fray the back 2 pockets, and one side of the front :) I am happy with the outcome!

On the bus from the beach to junction, I was bored on my ipod so I was reading old notes about Morokot and I :) sew kyewt. When I was on the way home on the train, I was wearing my very loose wrangler top, and it showed my cleavage. This guy that was outside, pointed to my boobs, then his chest and gave me a thumbs up. I laughed so hard, then this black kid did this hilarious scream while running and I nearly died. I also got a text from Morokot saying "I miss you". He is too cute.
Note to self: punch him for being too cute.

I shall now study.
Over and out.
@ 7:59 PM; back to the top

Sometimes you need someone else to tell you.
Today was somewhat a good day..

When I went to Liverpool, I met up with Charmaine, Isabel, Bridgette and Emem. While Isabel was in line with me at Maccas I cried on her shoulder.. I don't know what's going on with me. I hate crying more than anything else, and here I am, crying in public. I told her what happened, and then we sat to eat. Jet came and most people left to do something, and Jet could tell something was wrong. He kept asking what was wrong and I eventually cried, again. Emem gave me tissues and water and Jet knew what was wrong.
He was talking to me about it, and something he said really made me think..

"If you really love someone, you're going to put up with their shit. You need to understand him and he needs to understand you. If he's putting up with your shit and you put up with his, you guys love each other. You shouldn't let 'nothing' fights get in the way of that, of something you want. If you guys need to take a break for a while, do it, but never let 'nothing' fights ruin something you worked so hard for."
After that, nearly the whole day I was thinking what to do.. At one point I had decided that I wanted to take a break, like 3 days or something, especially since I have exams, but I didn't know how to say it.. Then I thought I would just ignore it for a few days, but then I knew Morokot would know something was up. In the end I didn't know what I wanted to do.. I think it was when we were in the car with Jet and Jasmine that I realised what I wanted to do.. I didn't wanna take a break, didn't want any ignoring, didn't want anything like that.. I wanted to stay how we were. I know we can get through this, because I'll make sure we will. I know that if we took a break I would regret it so much, and I don't even know why I was thinking like that. I love this boy, and I'm going to put up with every little 'nothing' fight that we have, and I wont let shit like that ruin something I worked so hard to get. We've put in so much effort in this relationship, and I don't want to ruin it. I can't imagine not being with him, even for just a day.. Even if we were broken up for a day. I wouldn't last.. I'd go crazy.

Sometimes you just need someone else to tell you and give you their opinion and tell you their stories. Jet told me how he and Jasmine fought so many times last night.. 6 fights in one night actually, and look where they are now.. They're still as good as they were years ago. This stuff takes time. It doesn't fix itself in one day.. Sometimes I just feel as if one little fight makes all the effort go to waste, but I guess thats just a con of a relationship. Seeing Jet and Jasmine, it just gives me some kind of hope.. Like I know I wanna be with this boy for a long time, no matter how many fights we have, no matter how much we change, no matter how much we argue and say shit, I don't care what happens, just as long as I'm with him in the end.

After watching Final Destination 5 for Gerina's birthday outing, we went to drop Isabel off. After dropping her off, we went to Dylans house to 'crash' his 'party' which turned out fail. We ended up watching Jackass for like 2 hours and eating some food. I think that was the best part of my day, just chilling with everyone made me feel so much better..

I was so silly to cry like that in public. Oh well.. But omg, tomorrow, yay beeeeeach! But.. I just got my periods :( bummer. I hope tomorrow is a good day.
@ 12:36 AM; back to the top

Nevermind.Saturday, September 17, 2011
So yesterday I had my maths and p.e exam.

During maths, I made so many silly mistakes. Like there was one question where they had to move 14 tonnes of soil, and on each trip you had to take 1.5 tonnes. Silly me, I put 9.5 trips when it was 10. Only realising after they took the test away.

P.e was also gay, but I answered everything and finished in like 20 minutes. I just wanted the day to end so I could go home and then spend time with Morokot.
Finally, the day ended and I had dance prac and then Morokot came to St uni and everyone else ended up coming. Not many people from knk came though.

Went home, did it. Had that stupid thing with Morokot.. I don't even know what to call it.. It wasn't a fight, it wasn't an argument. What if there was something on his phone I wasn't meant to see? Bleh. I hope there wasn't. But I do trust him, so there wasn't anything.

But anyways.. Today, I have dancing for like 6 hours, and then we're watching Final destination for Gerina's birthday at 7. Going to get ready, go to westfields and then dancing.

@ 10:40 AM; back to the top

Sometimes it isn't enough to say it, but rather, show it.
I'm sorry, Morokot.

I'm sorry for being a shit girlfriend, and always making you feel crap. I'm sorry for ruining our nights. Sorry for being so boring and needy. I'm sorry if I'm clingy. I'm sorry for everything. I always end up stuffing everything up.

Since when do we fight? Since when do we argue? I'm so sick of this crap.. I don't wanna be like this. I hate it when we're like this.. I don't even remember when we started being like this. Now we're like those other typical couples. I don't wanna be like this. I'm going to try harder.. I don't wanna fight anymore..

I don't know why but I always have this freaking stupid gut feeling that you're going to break up with me, because I have no freaking clue how you even put up with me.

I'm sorry Morokot.. I really am. I love you.

@ 10:11 AM; back to the top

Silly songs are stuck in my head.Thursday, September 15, 2011
Seriously, all these stupid songs are lodged in my mind..

I am going to fail this maths exam, seriously.. lol. I'm not going to get over 50%, and I'm not going to get band 4 in my SC, I'm not getting chem or physics and I'm not going to be what I want.. Eff this. I hate this shit. Why can't I be asian and smart? Not to mention I was stupid enough to leave my book at home.

DOHFJAKDLFSFg. I wish it was friday and I was curled up in my bed with Morokot, watching a movie. I feel like I haven't kissed him properly in so long.. :( This sucks.
@ 9:54 PM; back to the top

I blame it on the model broad with the Hollywood smile, stripper booty with a rack like wow.
Fuck, I'm so angry. I don't even know why I am so angry about this but yeah..

So, we had our religion and commerce exam today. The timing was so whack for both of them! For religion, they gave us an hour to write 3 whole sections. Plus was 3 videos, 3 times for one and once for the other 2 videos. Watching those videos took up our freaking writing time. It was so stupid! On section 1, we had to write a stupid mind map about poverty. We had 8 things we had to focus on, and for each write about how it aggravates and adds to poverty. Then we had to write a quote for each, reference it and also write how it relates. For section 2, we had to watch a video on Emmanuel from Xfactor and reflect on it, what ever the hell that means, and then write about a Dixie chicks song that was shown to us. We had to write quotes to do with that too I think. For task 3, we had to choose 4 morality and justice topics that we went over in class (which I wasn't even there for!) besides poverty, since it was already done, find a bible quote to relate it to, explain how it relates and which principle of catholic teaching it fits into..

I got section 1 and 3 done. I literally did not touch section 2. I know it's only religion, but it pissed me off so much! Why would you give less than an hour to write basically nearly 4 essays! I must have written about 800 words (100 words for each point) on my mind map, back and front. The first 3 were fine, but from the 4th up to 8th, I got so lazy, my quotes didn't even relate! Then, I had to rush onto section 3 (assuming it was more marks since it was more lengthy) and I did the crappiest job in that.. I kept eyeing the time, and.. Not to mention the clock on my side is like 5 minutes late. I thought I had 5 minutes left, and I thought I could have at least written some dot points about section 2, and I know I would have gotten at least some marks, but because of the stupid freaking clock on my side, I timed it wrong and I literally couldn't write anything for section 2. Fucking helllllllllll. I'm so pissed off. Stupid timing. Stupid exam. Stupid teachers. STUPID FUCKING RELIGION!!!! I hate being catholic. Doesn't even really fucking matter, because I don't even believe in God. I hope my grade is enough to keep me the Studies Of Religion 1 unit class, because I would kill myself if I had to do bloody catholic studies. ADGHAOLGERASDJHOAFL!~!!! :@

The commerce exam was fairly easy, but the timing for the exam was also whack. They gave us an hour to do an exam that took us about 20 minutes.. The close passage was pretty easy, but I bet I got at least 1 wrong. The short answers were ok, I bullshitted my way through, and for the long response, it was alright too, I could have written more, if I had studied that extra bit. I hope that I keep up my B, since I don't mind, and commerce is one of my worst subjects right now, since last year we had Mr. Shoebridge and he was the easiest marker out, whereas Mrs. Kirkland is probably one of the hardest markers ever, but she tries to be very lenient with me, which is great :)

Whilst day dreaming once I had finished my exam, I thought about last night and what had happened with Morokot and I. I felt so bad.. I just overreacted over something so stupid.. Just because we didn't get to talk, I got upset. The thing is, the only thing that can turn the worlds worst day into the best is talking to him or anything to do with him. I don't care if it's just one text.. I'll be fine for the whole day. But when he messaged me, I was in the gym, in the middle of a Zumba lesson. When I got on the treadmill, I messaged him back, but got no reply for hours so instead I showered and then studied. When I got online, neither of us spoke, and when it was 11, I got off, because I knew that if we started talking, I would have stayed on way later, and I was trying to sleep early. We ended up texting and he said something, but it came off blunt to me, even if he didn't mean it that way. I got angry and I just told him not to worry, and then I locked my phone and put it under my pillow. We ended up having this stupid argument, and I started crying again, cos I was stressed and I didn't want this to happen again.. He kept saying sorry, and each time he said it, it just made me feel worse, because if it wasn't for me, this whole argument wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for me..
I don't get why he stays with me when I'm such a freaking pain in the ass. I don't know why he stands me or even says sorry when it's not even his fault.. I'm such a horrible girlfriend. If it wasn't for me, he might be doing so much better in his studies.. He could be studying everyday rather than talking to me and spending time with me. dsufhiweldskfowjeidklnfs why are relationships so hard.. If I wasn't so selfish, I would end it with him so he could be happier with out me, but I am selfish and I need him. I need to stop being such a bitch to him.. Or he's going to break up with me or something.. :( bleh.

Anyways, after our exams, we had sport. During lunch we tanned and talked about vagina's and pubes LOL! Then we went to westfields for zumba, and instead of doing zumba we did gym, and it was pretty good, especially since I went yesterday and today, and I'm trying to get fit :)

Also, we got our bikini's! Yay! I'm so excited to wear it this Sunday! I took some photos, because I doubt anyone reads my posts.. so I might aswell put it up for memories.. LOL

This one is the coral one :) I love the colour, but it's a bit to fluro in real life, but it is nice :) I like the bottoms better on this one than the zebra one.

This is my zebra one. I like it, but I kinda don't like the bottoms.. I asked for different bottoms, but got these weird ones instead, but oh well.. It's nice too :)

Colour suits me, especially since I'm so white, but it's a colour that would suit dark people too, so when I get tanner, it still suit ye ye.

No idea why but I like this photo LOL. Yeah, I'm finally getting into shape and getting my curves back.

So, yay, they came! Now I don't have to buy another bikini for sunday like I was actually planning to :) I can't wait to go to the beach on Sunday. But it would be like freaking x93274982374987239847389472384923 better if Morokot didn't have work, because this wouldn't be our first time at the beach together, but the first time as an official couple, but oh well :( I'll have to wait until november I guess, since I'll be on 'work experience' and Morokot will have his HSC over by then, yaaaaay!

I'm so sick of school right now. Sick of it's stupid restrictions to Morokot and I. If I'm not studying, then he is. If he isn't studying, then I am. Tomorrow, if he comes over, then we'll both be studying, which is gay. If it wasn't for school, we could just be at home watching movies and chilling all day, but no.. Stupid school.

Anyways, now I have to study for maths and p.e, and I don't even have my maths book. Ugh, devo.
@ 6:00 PM; back to the top

Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Oh my lord, literally.
I have over 30 post it notes in my bible for bible quote refrences for my religion exam.
I'm leaving a lot out.. so hopefully it doesn't effect me since I have a lot of my own.

@ 10:26 PM; back to the top

You don't wanna talk to me, fine, I don't care.
@ 10:19 PM; back to the top

I'll be waiting.
UGH! Why is everyone pissing me off.. It's as if they're doing it on purpose.

  • You don't reply but lol you're online, how funny ha ha ha. No. I don't care. I felt bad for not being able to talk to you when I was at the gym, and when I do, I get no reply. Cool.
  • My mum freaking screaming at me for no reason.
  • Being broke when I should have saved money.
  • Not having enough time to study.
Just give me a break already.. omg.

So today was my first day of trials and it was ok I guess. Like always I struggled in multiple choice, and then I excelled in extended response. Apparently everyone bullshitted their short answer, which was fine because so did I. When the girls and I were discussing our answers they said mine were some very good ideas :) Made me confident.

We had a study period, which I did Religion since we have it tomorrow, some people did science LOL stupid.. that exam is next week lulz. But yeah, I used my time wisely. After that we had lunch and Jesslyn, Jenny, Yasmin and I were in shared area which I liked because I was away from certain people lulllllll.

We then went to 15 minutes of period 5, then did our practice computer test, just to see if the internet was ok. I got 33/40 which isn't so bad :) I got all of one section correct.

After school, Yasmin, Michelle and I went to Bau Truong to eat, and then we went to cabra library. Met up with Jess, and went to zumba/gym and I am totally burning..

Now, to study for religion and commerce :( I know I'm going to die in commerce lol D:
@ 9:14 PM; back to the top

Goodnight.Tuesday, September 13, 2011
I finally finished some english study notes, so that I at least have something to study over in the morning, and I'll have some indication of what I'm doing tomorrow morning for our english exam..

I hope I do well, especially since I'm considering doing 3 units of english next year. Hopefully I do well in all my trails.

@ 11:17 PM; back to the top

You always bring the first day of spring.
Today was somewhat a great day.

I awoke to my mother screaming at me. Tracy rang us in the early morning, around 7:10 am asking us if I was going to attend her 15th. Since I had that massive fight with Patrick, I assumed he'd be there, so would Ernest, Chris, Darren (obviously because it's her brother), and Andre, and since Patrick hated me, I thought that I'd have no one to go with. So, when she called, she asked if I was at school, my mum didn't know who it was and for some absurd reason, she assumed it was my school calling. When my mum replied yes, she got out of bed, and I was still in bed but awake at this time, and I yelled out that I wasn't at school yet. She yelled at me for being late, which I wasn't and then when I told Tracy I couldn't come to her birthday, she yelled at me again for being rude, which I wasn't. Something is wrong with this woman, she keeps telling me off for the stupidest things.

Had morning meet when I arrived at school, and Mrs. Kleckner just talked about our trials, and school certificate, and also fished us luck. She told us to get to school at least 20 minutes earlier, so for once, I'm actually going to do that. Since my mum isn't working at the moment, I asked her to drive me.

I thought we would have a study period, since Mrs Woodford was absent, but instead we had Mrs. Murray and we did this booklet that wasn't even going to be collected.. So stupid and pointless, but instead of completing the booklet, I gave Jenny a mini science lesson since her test was today, and she hasn't learned anything from her teacher. I hope I helped. After careers class, we had english, and once again we had a sub. I was hoping we wouldn't because I actually wanted to clear up some questions I had about some text types. I might just ask her when I get to school earlier tomorrow.

After recess, we had pass and p.e. I have Mrs. Dean for both of them, and both lessons weren't crap, but they weren't good. In pass we didn't have to really do anything, because our pass exam is actually practical, which is freaking great, because that's one less thing we have to study for. In p.e, I didn't feel like doing any work, so I actually offered to write up on the board for Mrs. Dean while everyone copied, and then I just got Emily to send me the notes. Easy as pie.

During lunch, we talked about the beach, since our plans have been ruined. We were mean't to go to the beach on Saturday, but instead, Jet had messed up the dates and our day off is actually on Sunday, so insteada, we're going on Sunday, which I guess is better, because Morokot has work both days anyway, so he wouldn't be able to come, and it's also going to be hotter on Sunday (31 degrees) rather than Saturday. The other girls I think are going to the city, which I think is stupid LOL.. But yeah whatever. We also tanned during lunch, since the weather was great. And oh, I also finished paying Michelle the money for my bikini's, but apparently they come somewhere in October, which is soooo gay.

After lunch, we had science and maths. During science, Mrs. Mulqueeney went out to yell at 10science6 and it was so hilarious. I love her, she's the best teacher ever. We were just going over some things that might be in our trail exam, which was good, and yeah. Maths was the same, practice school certificate questions, and I'm getting better which is great :) My teacher also let me bring home some test papers to study from ye ye.

After school, Divina and I went to JBHIFI and bought Vampire Diaries for Gerina's birthday present, and I looked arund for some swimming costumes. I also bought a belt from dotti, some bracelets from collette, and some black matte nail polish from gloss, which I love :)

I got some and started some study notes, and then I had to go to candombe with Jess. Probably as shit as the last lesson, but I played around with her fatbooth, and then we also went to Holy Basil for her first time. I ordered Pad thai, while she ordered idk LOL. We also got some fried ice cream and it was great. I love that place.

@ 9:32 PM; back to the top

Monday, September 12, 2011
@ 10:51 PM; back to the top

@ 10:32 PM; back to the top

Cos' I been thinkin' bout forever.
This is a great cover.

@ 10:19 PM; back to the top

A fresh start.

How I've missed you. I remember this space in which I used to type out my feelings, my problems and details about my day. I shall continue to do this, seeing as I wont be on tumblr often, I just need a place where I can release feelings and type about such things as:
  • My day.
  • My boyfriend, Morokot Ros (as of the 21st of May, 2011).
  • Friends (school group, kookies n kream, monster crew).
  • Silly people that annoy me.
  • My family.
  • My pets.
  • A lot of photos.
  • Other stuff.
So yeah..

I shall talk about my day.

Today, I woke up around 7:52, even though I should be awake by 7:45 at the latest, which was weird because I slept pretty early. I got ready, and finally, we're able to wear our summer dress, thank the lord. I grabbed my small jumper instead of my larger one, so because it was so tight, I decided not to wear it. I arrived at school, and got ready for my first 2 periods which were Maths and science. Maths and science have been my 2 favourite subjects for the past 2 years, but while my passion for science increases, my love for maths decreases, even though they compliment each other. Maybe it's because we're always doing these practice school certificate questions - since it's looming - and I'm actually finding it quite hard. Then we had science, and we got an assignment back that we finished recently. It was on the topic of stem cells, and although to me it was pretty easy, others said it was the hardest assignent they've done. I scored 36 out of 40 marks, which I was pretty impressed with because not only did I top my class, but I also topped my group, seeing as my group has some of the smartest people in it. I even over took Gerina, which was surprising.

After some recess and Emily's lovely cupcakes, I headed to Religion. I really hate religion. I'm the worst catholic, and I don't even believe in God. I have to pray to someone who isn't real, and I also have to do a subject that I don't understand. Not only is it one of the most horrible subjects ever, but it is mandatory that I complete at least 1 unit of it for the next 2 years, complete an exam I have no clue about, but I also have to put up with the worst teacher. Today, I thought this crossword thing was due, so I decided to leave my laptop in my locker, seeing as it was mean't to be on my laptop. Incidentally, we needed our laptops for todays religion lesson, and when I told Ms. Skibola I didn't have it, she literally spoke to me like I was an idiot and demanded that I retrieve it from my locker. I don't like her.. I completed barley any work. Then we had english, and for the whole period, we played a game in which we had to name and state examples of some literary devices such as puns, personification, alliteration, euphemism and heaps more.

After some delicious lunch and a wet bum from sitting in the shared area with Jenny and Jesslyn, I had my last 2 periods of the day, in which both I was dreading. I had religion - once again -. The thing I hate the most about Friday week B and Monday week A is not that I have a double religion period that is joined, but that is spread through out my day, ensuring that I have a shit day, since religion = shit. Well, catholics. I then had history, but I was also dreading that because we have our speech due, and mine is terrible.

Finally, the day ended with Chantelle Vitangcol's speech, and we ran to our lockers to pack our bags. I walked to Westfields by myself since I was going to meet up with Morokot. I sat at our usual spot, and Gerina, Isabel, Hai and Joey came. Later on, Marvyn, Robert and Morokot were also sitting with us. After eating with Morokot, most people went home, while Morokot and I went searching for a present for Gerina, since I haven't gotten her anything yet. We walked around until he had to leave :(. Bleh. I love spending time with him but the thing I hate the most is that he has to leaveeeee. I don't care if I'm corny, but yeah, it sucks. We waited for his bus at Liverpool station, and we talked some more, as I was about to take some photos with him on my ipod, his bus came LOL. Gay. I walked upto the platform and took my train home. I played Angry Birds, Tiny wings and Fruit Ninja to make the time pass.

I got home and did some study notes, then I watched Brother Bear, cried and ate some noodles. They were delicious. Currently waiting for my nigger to get back from his shower, and I should go take one to, because I didn't wash my hair yesterday. I also feel like eating some chicken nuggets.. I wish there was a maccas closer to my house, cos the closest one is Orange grove and my mum is never bothered to drive me when I'm in the mood for maccas, which sucks. Dina and I always walk there.

Have a photo of Morokot and I that no one has really seen, even though I'm kinda talking to myself LOL.


@ 9:01 PM; back to the top